Your searched for Cats, and found 100 result(s)

Best Pets for City Living Australia: Top Choices for Urban Environments

Finding the perfect pet for city living in Australia involves considering space, lifestyle, and the...


Love dogs? Crazy about cats? If you’ve got a cool story about your kitty that...

The best place to buy your pet

The first place many people think of when buying a pet is the local pet...

Things to consider when choosing a cat breed

Cats are pretty independent and known for being a more low-maintenance pet. So if you’re...


Often compared to a Siamese cat, the Balinese cat is a long haired breed with...

What happens if my cat gets lost?

Inside Cats If Trixie is adn inside-only cat, then the idea of her slipping through...

The cost of adopting a cat

Buying a purebred cat from a pet store or a cat breeder often involves thousands...

Pet insurance

What Are the Best Pet Insurance Providers in Australia? A Comprehensive Evaluation When it comes...

Purebred vs. mixed vs. mutt

What are purebreds? Rather than natural breeding without human intervention, purebred animals come from a...

Reasons to get insurance for your pet

Pet insurance is fast becoming an essential element of pet care. We all love our...

The first five nights with your new cat

Setting up a safe room First things first, cats are very different from dogs, which...

Cat grooming 101

Cats are vain creatures–they take great pride in their appearance. If they spend half of...

Lack of pet insurance could leave pet owners with a hefty vet bill

The latest Canstar research reveals that despite being a nation of pet lovers, Aussie pet...

Is your pet depressed?

With one in four dogs left alone for more than five hours a day, can...

Six simple signs your cat is healthy

“When it comes to health, cats aren’t complainers so it’s not always easy to tell...

6 cat toys that won’t break the bank

Playtime is important in the development of a cat’s natural hunting skills, and also in...

Bespoke accessories for feline fashionistas

For the second year running the team at Purina Fancy Feast has joined forces with...

Best treats for your pet

In the same way that copious amounts of candy are bad for kids, there are...

How often should I groom my dog?

Grooming your dog helps your canine companion feel refreshed and healthy. Brushing the coat removes...

Natural ways to farewell fleas

What's the best way to avoid a flea infestation? To not have them in the...

Bringing cats in at night

To be a responsible pet owner it’s important to keep your feline friend indoors at...

Activities to enjoy with your cat

While cats can often be solitary animals, it doesn’t mean you can’t have a little...

Cool cat facts

The first cat in space was a French cat named Felicette (a.k.a. “Astrocat”). She was...