How to be a social media sensation and keep it real
#FrostOfficial's guide to being the puurfect Insta cat
05 Aug 2016 By Leanne Philpott Comments
In the lead-up to World Cat Day on Monday, August 8, we caught up with Australia's most insta-famous feline -
Frost the cat - for some tips on how to be a social media sensation.
With a massive Instagram following of more than 75k, Frost the rescue cat has taken Australia and the world by storm. Her sassy, outspoken and totally unapologetic personality has engaged a huge audience, so when it comes to social media advice, Frost is the puurfect kitty to be dishing it out.
Want your feline to join the #catsOfInstagram clan, here's how:
1. As Miranda Kerr says, "find your light". It is super important to find the best light possible to enhance your finest features. For me, it's my eyes, so I must have them illuminated in every shot I post. If you live in a dark house, you may want to shoot outside on a sunny day to achieve optimal brightness.
2. Be authentic online. I am a diva and I'm unapologetic about it. I always show my sassy side in both photos and captions which keeps my followers entertained. Don't be afraid of exploring the real you online; people will appreciate it.
3. Comment on the world around you. Whatever is going on that day or is trending on social media, try to incorporate the same themes into your posts. This keeps the posts relevant and the viewers engaged.
4. Post often. Try to post at least once a day, if not more. This keeps your followers engaged and up to date with all the fabulous things you're doing with your life. Some people have stupid rules around how often you should post, but I post ALL the time, and it's worked for me.
5. Engage with your followers. Reply to their comments, like their posts, reply to fan mail and follow them back, if they share the same interests as you do. This is super important as your followers are the ones that keep you relevant online, so give back a little love!
Check out Frost, visit
05 Aug 2016 By Leanne Philpott Comments
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