Welsh Terrier

Welshies are small and compact dogs with wiry, hard coats and a confident, square stance. Don't be deceived by their sturdy appearance, Welsh Terriers are also intelligent and workmanlike!

Other Names
Country of Origin

Black or grizzly in a cute, jacket-like shape on their back with a tan colour on their legs, quarters and heads.

Height / Weight
Both dogs and bitches measure 36 to 39cms and weigh between 9 and 10kgs.
Welshies are fortunately a hardy breed that doesn't have many breed-specific problems. The downside of their hardiness is their coats are waterproof and will resist spraying so just be sure to take them for regular flea dips.
Life Span

12-13 years

Suitability (Children)

They are relatively easy dogs to feed, Welshies aren't too fussy about their meals!

Feeding Cost
$5-$10 p/w
Other Cost
Welshies are full of beans! They are energetic and always happy to go for a run and play. They love swimming and will race off if you're not careful so make sure to be careful when there's water nearby. If you have trouble with taking them for exercise though they should accept matters without a fuss.
Hair Shed
Welshies are fortunately a hardy breed that doesn't have many breed-specific problems. The downside of their hardiness is their coats are waterproof and will resist spraying so just be sure to take them for regular flea dips.
Welshies will need a good plucking 2-3 times a year! Brushing and combing should happen 2-3 times a week and more frequently if there are signs skin irritation is occurring.
Grooming Frequency
2 or 3 times a week.
Remember the Ol' English Black and Tan (or Broken Coated Terrier)? Neither do we, but there's some lengthy Welsh pedigrees which imply that despite a common belief they are related, the Welshie is not a descendent of that now extinct breed. In fact for two and a half centuries the breed was known as the Carnarvonshire Welsh Terrier, the pride of the town of Carnarvonshire which bred them. Welshies were used to hunt otters and badgers in packs. The Welshie was finally given separate recognition of their unique breed in England in 1885 but it was still known as an Old English Terrier until 1901 in America.

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