Choosing your pet

10 things to do before getting a dog
1. Borrow a dog – this may sound like a strange first request but it...

10 things to consider before getting a dog
Dogs take up a lot of time If you work full-time or are constantly travelling,...

Adding a dog to your pet family
Adding a new dog to your family is always exciting. You wouldn’t be doing it...

Finding the best pet for you
Having a furry friend is one of the best joys in life. However, choosing a...

Becoming a dog owner
It’s important to ask yourself the following questions and to answer honestly. Can you afford...

Top 5 dogs for inner-city living
Finding the right dog for your living situation is a quest not taken lightly. Research...

10 things to prepare before getting a cat
1. Litter box – even if your kitty may learn to go to the bathroom...

Becoming a cat owner
Unlike dogs, cats are (generally) more independent and lower maintenance to look after. They’re happy...

The cost of adopting a cat
Buying a purebred cat from a pet store or a cat breeder often involves thousands...

Cat versus kitten—who should I adopt?
Adopting an adult cat is a wonderful experience. If you have an idea of what...

Fostering a cat
Cost: While some cat shelters and rescue groups provide the necessary items (including the food...

The process of adopting a cat
Not a lot of people choose to adopt a pet, mostly because they think that...

Fostering a dog
You do not need to be affiliated with an animal shelter or pet rescue group...

The costs of adopting a dog
While you are not expected to pay thousands of dollars up front, it’s important to...

The process of adopting a dog
First, you will be required to file an application form. This step will require your...

The benefits of pet adoption
Saving lives Pet adoption supporters always say that you will save the lives of two...

Renting with pets
I am a self confessed animal person. I've grown up surrounded by pets and I...

How to write a killer pet resume
It’s a jungle out there. Choosing a rental can be a hassle, even without the...

Tips for talking to your landlord about getting a pet
If you already own a cat or dog this will obviously shape your search for...

Renting with pets: your rights and the law
The Screening Process First, there will be a screening process. The landlord is required to...

Why do I need to register my pet?
Pet registration is a must for pet owners in various parts of the world, not...

What happens if my cat gets lost?
Inside Cats If Trixie is adn inside-only cat, then the idea of her slipping through...

Change of ownership for your pet
It is the ‘existing’ or ‘old’ owner’s responsibility to obtain a ‘Change of Ownership’ form...

What happens when my dog gets lost?
There’s nothing worse than the horrible feeling in the pit of your stomach when you...

Getting your dog used to its name
Naming your dog is a BIG decision, it's got to be just right for your...

How to decide on the name for your cat
Here are some ideas to get you started: Examine the physical characteristics of the cat....

How to decide on the name for your dog
Here are some ideas to get the ball rolling: Some dog owners use the animal’s...

Getting your cat used to its name
If you’re a cat owner, you’ll be well aware that cats tend to do as...

Top 10 names for cats
Top 10 names for cats You’ll notice that many of the most popular cat names...

Top 10 names for dogs
Any parent knows how difficult it can be to choose a name for the new...

Reasons to get insurance for your pet
Pet insurance is fast becoming an essential element of pet care. We all love our...

Why pet insurance is important
Insurance makes sure that we are covered in the instance of unexpected events, such as...

The best place to buy your pet
The first place many people think of when buying a pet is the local pet...

Things to consider when choosing a cat breed
Cats are pretty independent and known for being a more low-maintenance pet. So if you’re...

Purebred vs. mixed vs. mutt
What are purebreds? Rather than natural breeding without human intervention, purebred animals come from a...

Choosing a dog breed
Choosing the right dog breed for you and your family is not as easy as...